Rod pictures

The first rod pictures consist of two parts, a square standing on one corner and a wooden rod standing in relation to it, corresponding not only to the vertical of the surrounding space but also to one or two black or red lines on the unpainted surface of the square.
The two parts of the work relate to each other and, at the same time, are linked to the architectonic frame. The inclined attitude of the square lifts the picture, if seen in isolation, out of the customary consensus of picture and wall. The vertical wooden rod is painted in several layers of monochrome colour, thereby giving it the impression of a rod of colour.

The later rod pictures go a step further: the square has changed shape and is now a trapezium, which is treated with paint. The painted surface and vertical rod, supported by the easily identifiable connecting lines between the end points of the rod and the side lines of the painted surface, form a large triangle. The trapezium is painted in monochrome colour with broad horizontal brush strokes. The paint is applied quickly, producing a painted structure engendered by the medium itself.