Multi-part pictures

The multi-part pictures consist of two or three parts, which together form an elongated, rectangular whole. A distinction may be made between multi-part pictures with a horizontal orientation and those with a vertical orientation.

The horizontal multi-part pictures usually consist of three parts joined together and forming, as an entity, an oblique strip running from the bottom left to the top right. The joins between the parts assimilate the spatial vertical. The horizontal, however, is suggested – as in the painted surfaces of the rod pictures – by the horizontal brushwork, the semi-transparent coat of paint generating a spatial effect.

The vertical multi-part pictures usually consist of two parts joined together to form an oblique strip running from the bottom right to the top left. The join between the two parts is horizontal, the brushwork now accentuating the vertical.

There are also multi-part pictures that are conceived as corner pictures and adopt the form of the surrounding space.