Cloud pictures

Border crossings
by Helmut Schneider

Françoise Pierzou discovered at a relatively early stage that every solution she found was only a temporary one and that it presented her with a new problem.

Practical experience showed her that any decision, however resolutely it is implemented, always has effects that cannot be foreseen.

What transpires is that a painting which juxtaposes the coordinate system of the wall with one of its own already tends to be an object.

If it is made into an object, however, the property of the paint changes, mutating into a strong material element.

This mutation allows it to meld with the body of the picture and assume the function of defining the perceived whole and differentiating between forms.

This action of the paint leads to an unfolding of the surface, the ultimate aim being a spatialisation.

It is the spatialisation itself that intensifies the intrinsic value of the paint, facilitating its separation from a material frame.

It returns to the canvas, manifesting itself as pure painting.

So many border crossings then – and the latest, clearly evident in Françoise Pierzou's new works, will not be the last.